Workers Comp Lawyer

$225,000 Workers Compensation Healthcare Company Employee

In order to have a meritorious workers compensation claim, Illinois law requires that the injury arise out of some risk associated with the job.  It is not enough merely to show that an injury or condition developed during work hours, or from a risk to which the general public was exposed.  For example, falling off a ladder is a risk associated with the work; tripping over loose shoelaces is not.

In an interesting case handled by Law Offices of Douglas Rallo, P.C., claimant attempted to open a secure, 300 pound door containing a magnetic card reader, at Abbott Labs.  The door had mechanical problems, for which a repair order had been issued shortly before the occurrence.  Claimant inserted his entry card, the door light turned green, and claimant tugged hard to open the door.  But the door was still locked.  Claimant alleged that opening a 300 pound security door with a defective locking mechanism was a work-related risk.  He also alleged that it caused an injury to his low back which had three previous surgeries.  The employer denied that opening a door was a work-related risk, and asserted that claimant’s back condition was not the result of any trauma in tugging on the door, but from the natural progression of his long-standing back problems over many years.

“Despite these obstacles in proving a severe back injury from tugging on a door, and where there was a 16 year history of prior back problems and surgeries, we were able to settle the case for $225,000”, according to Rallo.

Douglas Rallo Personal Injury Lawyer

Douglas Rallo

Workers Comp Lawyer

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