Car Accident Lawyer
$305,000 Auto Accident Settlement
In a recent case handled by attorney Douglas Rallo, claimant was the passenger in a car being driven to his job by a co-worker. They were traveling northbound on Route 47 when a vehicle coming from the opposite direction turned left in front of them, attempting to go east on McDonald Road. The claimant’s lawyer, Douglas Rallo of Libertyville, filed a lawsuit to recovery damages for claimant’s fractured hip and ribs.
“A vehicle traveling on a through street has the right-of-way, according to the Illinois Vehicle Code”, explained Rallo. In this case, the oncoming driver failed to see claimant’s car although the intersection was wide open and visibility was good. That carelessness was totally inexcusable and caused significant injuries. “Even though claimant’s fractures have healed and he is working full time doing heavy residential carpentry, I am pleased that we were able to achieve a $305,000 settlement on the case”, Rallo said