Car Accident Lawyer
$287,500 Auto Accident Settlement
While driving to work on Route 47 in McHenry County, a driver coming in the opposite direction suddenly lost consciousness from either a seizure or sleep apnea. He crossed the center line and struck the claimant’s vehicle head-on.
As a result of this auto accident, claimant, a Local 839 union carpenter, suffered an “osteochondral lesion of his talus” — this means claimant broke an important bone in the ankle. This is a painful injury. A surgical procedure is often performed to pin or screw the loose bone fragment back onto the talus. After surgery, the ankle is placed into a cast. Physical therapy is performed for a month to reduce ankle stiffness and limping. After surgery to fix an osteochondral ankle fracture, the patient may experience some achiness, but the prognosis is good.
In this case, the claimant made a full recovery and returned to heavy duty work as a union carpenter with no medical restrictions. He received a settlement of $287,500 for his injuries, through the efforts of his attorney, Law Offices of Douglas Rallo, P.C.